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Studies from Austria:
Heinz Schoibl: Bettelverbote in menschenrechtlicher Bewertung
(veröffentlicht in: Josef P. Mautner (Hg): "Regionale Menschenrechtspraxis", Mandelbaum Verlag, Wien 2018, ISBN 978-3-85476-578-3)
Scientific study: 200 Romanies in Vorarlberg (July 21, 2016) (21.07.2016), in German
Report on antiziganism by Romano-Centro; Vienna (December 2017) (2015-2017), in German
Report on antiziganism by Romano-Centro; Vienna (November 2015) (2013-2015), in German
ROMBAS - Study report, ed .: Mikael Luciak for the minority initiative (2014), in German
ROMA PE BUCAKE DROMA - Roma in the working world (2011) (Volkshilfe Ausria), in German